Essential Resources for Writers

Finishing your books is the first step in a long line of other things that you need to do before you can launch your book.

Whether you’re an indie author or a traditional author, all those things cost money. If you’re on a tight budget but still want the best, below are some of the best essential resources for writers:

Copyediting & Proofreading

Book & Cover Design

Email Marketing

Author Website

For more information on building an author website, read Do I Need An Author Website? and How To Create An Author Website – A Step By Step Guide.

Support Independent Bookstores

Top up your library selection anytime with the deals offered on Buying through supports local, independent bookstores. Learn more HERE.

Getting Paid

If you publish on KDP, your book will be available across all Amazon stores but Amazon might not be able to pay you depending on where you live.

You can resolve that issue by using a Payoneer account. You can get paid in up to 25 currencies on Payoneer including USD, CAD, GBP, and more. Learn more about Payoneer and earn $25 when you sign up here.

Additional Resources

I will add more resources to the list as I research and expand my knowledge base, so don’t forget to join the mailing list for any updates.