Email Marketing for Book Promotion

Email marketing for book promotion

The importance of email marketing for book promotion can’t be overstated. It’s one of the most important parts of promoting your work. In my previous article, I shared the three major things that helped me succeed as a non-fiction writer. You can catch up on that article at How Much Do Self-published Authors Make on Amazon? As you build an …

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How Much Do Self-published Authors Make on Amazon?

How Much Do Self-published Authors Make on Amazon

Is self-publishing on Amazon worth it? I share my thoughts and experience with the self-publishing process from start to finish in this article I remember the first time I attempted to self-publish a book a long time ago, I tried to use a vanity press. In a great appreciation of my gullibility, they sent me an invoice for over $10,000 …

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Do I Need an Author Website?

As someone who has a successful non-fiction career backed by high-ranking websites, I definitely recommend an author website as soon as you start your career. An author website is going to be one of the most important promotional tools for any writer, especially for a new writer. This two-part article will share the most important reasons why you should have …

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